Audrey Tautou

Audrey Tautou was born in Beaumont in France's Puy-de-Domme on August 9 1976 the oldest of four children. At a young age, her dental surgeon parents and her teacher mother encouraged her passion of theatre and drama. It was this love that trumps her first desire to become a an animal scientist. There was an immediate rise in her career to become a famous young actress. Following her graduation She was a part of the French show for spotting talent Jeunes Premiers that was sponsored by Canal+. She won the Best Young Actress award at Beziers Festival of Young Actors and began her professional career as an actor. Tautou was a student at the Institut Catholique de Paris in Paris in her youth and enrolled in the school at young age but has sworn off her Catholic education. Now, she says she is not a Catholic. In addition to acting, she took up modeling and was the model for L'Oreal Mont Blanc as well as Chanel. Recently, at the Arles Arts Festival, she showed the collection of her photographs with the heading Superficial. In her photographs, she focuses primarily on celebrity and fame. The camera is turned on journalists who examined her rise to the heights of fame in Amelie. Audrey Tautou became a star and was recognized internationally for her debut role as Amelie Poulain in Le Fabuleux Destination d'Amelie. Amelie was an international box-office film that received acclaim at awards galas around the world. Amelie has been the most financially successful film that is French-speak in the US. Following this film, Tautou appeared in a variety of films, ranging from British dramas up to Jean Pierre Jeunet's Un long Sunday de Faancailles. Then she moved into Hollywood and starred with Tom Hanks alongside Ron Howard in The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown.

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